A Letter From Brent | VBC Elder Candidate

Hi, my name is Brent Robery and I am being considered to be an elder. 

Let me tell you a little about my life. I grew up in a North West suburb of Chicago in a family of seven; mom, dad, one sister, three brothers, and myself. My parents would say that it was a Christian home, but if it was, it was dysfunctional at best. With that said, I went to church every Sunday, attended Boys Brigade and AWANA, and Campus Crusade in high school. It was not until I was twelve that I knew that I gave my life to Christ. It was at Crescent Lake Bible Camp in Northern Wisconsin and they asked who would like to give their life to Christ. As I sat and listened to the call, I started to cry and weep because I was afraid that I was going to hell. So, I went up to my camp counselor and told him I was scared. He then encouraged me and led me to Christ. I do not remember his name but I am forever grateful for what he did for me. 

I would like to tell you that from that point on my walk with Christ was a steady road forward but it wasn’t. I struggled, I doubted, I tried to earn my salvation, but none of that worked. It was not until many years later at a crisis in my life where I began to understand what Christ had done for me. I was so distraught that I thought to myself, what do I do? Well, praise God that I fell into his arms. I called a good friend of mine, Tim Barley, who was one of the elders of VBC to come over. He spoke to me and comforted me and asked how he and the church could help. This was really the beginning of the maturing process of my Christian walk. There was something different this time. I realized that there was nothing I could do to win God’s favor, but it was only grace and a gift from God that saves me. Because of this, I began to realize that Christ truly loved me with all of my faults and gifts. And if he loved me knowing everything about me, then I want to learn what it was to be a man of God. Since then, I have desired to grow and be shaped by God. My journey is not over yet, but my hope is that every day I grow closer to the man that God wants me to be. 

So why an elder? First, this is very humbling and an honor to be considered. With that said, I do believe that God has gifted me with leadership, encouragement as well as other tools to be an elder. But more than that, I want to serve God where he puts me. My wife and I have attended VBC for over 25 years, we have taught Sunday school, served in MSM, and HSM. I have gone on mission trips and served in Men’s ministry. I have taught marriage classes and shared at the Men's Ministry Toolbox Talks. Why do I tell you these things? Because VBC is our home, it is our family, it is our church. There is nothing more important to me than my walk with Christ. And, if I can in some way help lead, shepherd, and serve the people I love at VBC as an elder, then I want to honor God’s call. 

I remember how that evening with Tim changed my life, and I am grateful to perhaps, be able to pay it forward. To be used by God to protect His church, to serve His people, and to support this great family known as VBC, is why I would like to become an elder.  Thank you for hearing my heart. If you have any questions please contact me at roberyandsons@sbcglobal.net  


Brent Robery   

Website Contributor