Sunday Connect Groups
(Scroll down to view active groups) 

Through the year of Covid-19, VBC introduced the idea of Connect Groups in order to give our church family old and new a regular meeting to reflect and discuss together what was shared during the Sunday message and as a base of relational support and prayer. As VBC returns to inside services in person, the role of our Connect groups is changing. We are experimenting with including a short time of group discussion during our Sunday services as a way to “let the word of Christ dwell among us richly”.

However, we also recognize that many of our church family are unable to come in person for a variety of reasons. If that describes your current situation, we want to provide opportunities to encourage you where you are. We encourage you to take part of one of the two Connect Groups listed.

To attend a Connect Group: 
1. Create a Zoom account. 
2. Prepare communion elements ahead of time to take during the Sunday service. 
3. Open Zoom and click the blue “Join” button.
Need help setting up a Zoom account or joining a group? Email or text 925-233-6502 for support.


Gary & Cynthia Stafford’s Group

This group meets @ 11:00 AM on Sundays.

Meeting ID: 701 560 9576

Password: gdsortho

Love & Liberty Sunday Zoom


This group meets @ 1:30 PM

Direct Link: Click here to join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 748 6379 5093
Passcode: 9ibets